Airflow with Celery Executor (MacOs)

Airflow - Celery Configuration

One of the best Apache projects (for me the best) is Airflow Workflow Platform. The ease of use, the extending documentation and the connectivity with so many existing tools, makes it one of the best tools for creating and monitoring tasks using DAGs.

On my first trials of the product I wanted to use Celery as worker machine. Airflow documentation describes the steps to do so, however I wanted to have more detailed instructions. In the following tutorial we are going to use as executor Celery. Celery will use RabbitMQ as Messaging Queue for the tasks. 

(in brief instructions are located in 

Install RabbitMQ
1. brew install rabbitmq
(If this fails to link installed file to /usr/local/sbin, the create dir and run brew link rabbitmq)
2. sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
3. Add to PATH :/usr/local/sbin
4. source ~/.bash_profile
5. sudo rabbitmq-server -detached

6. sudo rabbitmqctl add_user airflow airflow
7. Check status sudo rabbitmqctl status

Install Celery
1. pip install Celery==3.1.25 // version 4 seems to have issues
2. Check Celery installation:  celery --version

Install Postgres
1. brew install postgresql

Create login user "airflow" with password "airflow"
4. pip install psycopg2
5. airflow initdb 

Config Airflow
1. nano ~/airflow/airflow.config
Change the following lines:
executor = CeleryExecutor
broker_url = amqp://airflow:airflow@localhost:5672/myvhost
celery_result_backend = db+postgres+psycopg2://airflow:airflow@
sql_alchemy_conn = postgres+psycopg2://airflow:airflow@

2. Run worker with
airflow worker

Start scheduler and webserver
airflow webserver
airflow scheduler

2. Setup on Ubuntu machines:


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